About Us

About Us & How We Can Help

Why Hire Chambers Law? We are experts in what we do.

We focus on disability law.

By focusing only on disability law, attorneys Christopher and Stephanie Chambers have developed the expertise regarding complex medical, vocational, and technical issues necessary to win even the most difficult cases. We advocate tirelessly, and we put our hearts and minds into winning even the most difficult of cases.


Some other attorneys only accept cases if you pay a retainer fee up front or if one or more doctors have gone on record supporting your disability case or if you do all the work before the hearing. Some attorneys have general practices, doing a Social Security or Veteran case now and then, but not focusing on this very technical and complex area of administrative law.

We require no retainer fee.

We, on the other hand, require no retainer fee, and we accept cases at all stages in the process. We’ll even help you apply! We specialize in disability law and have developed the focused expertise through research and practice representing clients like you. We work on a contingency fee only basis, meaning that you only pay us if and when we win your case and you are awarded back pay. We know how much depends on your obtaining disability benefits, and we want to help you.

Please call Chambers Law Firm at (352) 515-9464 or email us at info@chamberslaw.com to discuss your case. Don’t delay, call us now!

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