
Stay Empowered: Veterans’ Benefits & Legal News

Insights That Matter: Chambers Law Blog

for Veterans and Their Families

A nurse wearing a mask is talking to a patient.
August 9, 2023
What is Social Security Disability and Who Qualifies?
A stack of money on top of an american flag
April 27, 2023
Can I Increase My VA Disability Rating?
An application for va benefits has been approved
By Chambers Law January 30, 2023
The Top Three Questions About VA Disability
The va denied your claim now what ? 3 reasons why the va denies your claim and what you can do about it
By Chambers Law March 7, 2022
So, your claim was denied. Now what? If your claim was denied and you received a denial letter, there are 3 possible reasons why your claim can be denied by the Veterans Administration office. And, there are also 3 ways to respond. You will be rejected if you do not provide enough proof of your medical condition being related to your time in the military. It is also possible that the VA made a mistake that can easily be fixed. Common mistakes are confused service numbers or someone with a similar or exact name. If the VA has set up a C&P examination for you It’s really important to go. Contact the VA immediately if you have to reschedule your Compensation and Pension Examination. If you missed your C&P Exam you could lose your claim because the VA might believe that you no longer want to pursue your benefits. If you missed your C&P exam, call them right away to reschedule. In response to the letter you can request a higher review, submit additional supporting evidence or request hear with the VA Board Board.
A person is holding a piece of paper that says va disability pay
By Chambers Law February 28, 2022
Service-related disabilities can make it hard for a veteran to keep steady work. Through VA Form 21-8940 , they may be able to apply for more benefits. This is based on their individual unemployability (IU).
A poster that says the 10 step uk disability claim timeline
By Chambers Law September 28, 2020
​Submitting a VA Claim for disability benefits can be a scary venture.   One way to make anything easier to manage is to understand the timeline involved.  Here, we’ll outline the steps and timeline you can expect between filing your initial claim and receiving your first benefit check.  Step 1: Preparation Be prepared in advance to ensure your timeline is as short as you can possibly make it.   Research how you qualify and know what the VA is looking [...]
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